"diverse perspectives of a movable event"![]() |
Oliver Laric, Versions, 2009, single channel video |
We then checked in some *very* current events via THIS MASHUP of Toronto mayor Rob Ford /Chris Farley (heh, great job, internet!)
And on to some other early 21st century media recuperations :
Keith Sanborn's Operation Double Trouble (2003), a detourned version of a propaganda film called Enduring Freedom, originally made by the US Marines and US Navy,
Bobby Abate's One Mile per Minute (2002), which he began working on soon after the attacks of September 11th out of disgust for the corporate branding of the disaster on various news stations .
Artist-activist Joseph deLappe's intervention into the online game America's Army, Dead-in-Iraq (2006-2011) where he individually listed each American casualty of the war by name, using the games text messaging,
the earliest of Phil Solomon's Grand Theft Auto appropriations, Crossroads (2006)
And lastly -- a couple cherries on top:
Sweet Dreams, shot on location in Second Life by yr fearless leader
*bonus track*
*bonus track*
an inspiring and super fun new work by video/audio artist Sara Maganheimer called MICKRYS with numerous appearances by those pesky anthropomorphized mice.
Next and final blog post will be the student remix projects, YAY!!!!